Most of the times U go through internet chat or Social networking sites , U get the word "LOL". One of my friend went crazy and asked me "What the heck is LOL?". So!! Here it goes..!!
1. Shorthand for Laughing out Loud or Laugh out Loud, LOL is the most commonly used chat expressions to illustrate you are laughing during a text conversation or that you found something funny. LOL is also less commonly short for Lots of Laughter and Laughing on Line and is also often substituted by LAL, LAWL (Laughing a Whole Lot), and LOLZ. Although already an abbreviation LOL is also sometimes abbreviated even more as LL.
Finally, LAWL is also used as a slang term that phonetically spells out 'lol'. This is often said in the real life or over VoIP by someone who may type in lol a lot in chat.
2. Although not as common as the above definition of LOL, this term can also mean Lots of Love and may be something added at the end of an e-mail, letter, or other correspondence.
3. Short for Lots of Luck, LOL is another way of wishing someone good luck. This term could also be used sarcastically as telling someone they don't have a chance.
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